Two Ongoing Summer Exhibitions
Superman by Damon Arhos
Embedded Sources | Full Circle Gallery
June 17 – July 29, 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland
Artists who employ the photographic medium to arrive at a non-photographic artwork or who utilize the medium to illustrate another artistic or creative event before the lens. Curated by Brian Miller.
Participating artists include: Damon Arhos, Stephanie Benassi, and Jon Malis.
Gallery hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm; Saturday, 10am to 2pm; closed on Sunday.
Full Circle Ltd., 33 East 21st Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Camp Artscape: Parents’ Day! | Center for the Arts Gallery | Towson University
July 8 – August 5, 2017 in Towson, Maryland
This exhibition plays on the 2017 Artscape theme of “camp” by bringing together local and regional artists working with fibers, craft and found materials, or within the themes of nature, games or performance inherent to such spaces. Curated by Erin Lehman and J. Susan Isaacs.
Participating artists include: Laura Amussen, Damon Arhos, Kyle Bauer, Rachel Bone, Mary Baum, Lori Anne Boocks, Loring Boglioni, Travis Childer, Atsuko Chirikjian, Brent Crothers, Geoffrey Delanoy, Steven Dobbin, Anna Fine-Foer, Zoe Friedman, Alice Gadzinski, Gregory Hein, Reagen Lake, Mike McConnell, Greg McLemore, Renée Rendine, Janna Rice, Nicole Salimbene, Leslie Shellow, Molly Springfield, Dominic Terlizzi, Andrei Trach, Alice Valenti, Lars Westby, and Evan West.
Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am-4pm.
Center for the Arts Gallery, Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson, Maryland 21252